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Wisdom Tooth Removal in Bangalore

Wisdom teeth removal is only done if they cause any problem or are likely to cause any problems in the future. Removal of any tooth is unpleasant. Please contact amaya dental clinic for safe and painless wisdom dental tooth removal.

In many patients, the wisdom teeth do not erupt fully or they stop erupting midway. This is more common in the lower jaw than it is in the upper jaw. The reason is usually that there isn’t enough room in the jaw to accommodate the wisdom teeth. Other teeth may then get in the way of the wisdom tooth, or it might come in crooked.

The teeth that don’t come out fully ( impacted teeth) often cause problems like pain, swelling, decay, inflamed gums, etc. They need to be best removed. Some fully erupted teeth can also cause such problems and need to be removed. Wisdom teeth are seldom used for the functions like chewing. They are just there. So if it creates a problem, it should be removed. Now, the pain can be due to different reasons. 

We, at Amaya dental clinic, assure you painless removal of your wisdom tooth by the best oral surgeon on Bangalore!


Eruption of the wisdom tooth: Erupting a wisdom tooth can cause a lot of pain. If it is unbearable, please get it removed.

Pericoronitis: While the tooth partially erupts, the tooth might be covered by soft tissue near the tooth and this inflamed soft tissue can cause a lot of pain. Either the soft tissue has to be removed and the tooth can be kept or the tooth has to be removed.

Impaction: It is basically the tooth erupting /partially erupting in all directions other than that of the other teeth. The tooth can be embedded inside the soft tissue, or half of it outside and the other half inside, or in different directions. This needs to be removed. It will be a surgical procedure. Sutures will be placed after the surgery.

Decay: Decay can be a reason for wisdom toothache. We usually do not recommend root canal treatment for wisdom tooth cause the accessibility and visibility of the tooth are generally very less. So, removal is the solution.


We, at Amaya dental clinic, have the best surgeon for the removal of the wisdom teeth and we assure you 100% painless removal of the wisdom teeth.

Initially, we will administer local anesthesia to numb the teeth and gums. Impacted wisdom teeth (wisdom teeth trapped in the gums or bone) are exposed with incisions, so that we get adequate access. Once the wisdom teeth are visible, we carefully loosen and lift them from their sockets, clean the areas and place stitches. In most cases, the stitches will fall out on their own in a few days. This procedure might take around 1 hour, complex cases might take a bit longer.

Painless Wisdom Tooth Removal in Bangalore

Rest as much as you can for the first few days.

Have an ice cream after an hour of extraction.

Have a liquid and soft diet for a few days.

Place a cold compress or ice pack on your face to help reduce swelling.

Keep the surgical sites clean by gently soaking them with an antimicrobial mouthwash.

Don’t swish vigorously, as this can dislodge blood clots and cause dry sockets.

Brush the rest of your teeth normally.

Avoid smoking cigarettes until it heals.

Take all medications, including antibiotics and pain relievers, as prescribed.


The only side effect is pain and swelling and you might not be able to fully open your mouth for a few hours or even a few days. You might have pain right after the procedure, but it doesn’t last long.. The prescribed pain killers and antibiotics are enough for this to subside.

We, at Amaya dental clinic, assure to help you throughout the recovery process ! 

We welcome you all with the strict hygiene protocol recommended by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoH&FW). Amaya is working towards making this journey easier for every Indian and helping them live healthier and longer lives. It’s the journey that takes you to new destinations every single day, with endless possibilities for life, back of energy, happiness, and hope.

We are also following the AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION’s new update to office procedures during covid 19 updated information as the strict protocol. Every practice is different and unique. Risk assessments are an integral part of ensuring the health, safety, and well-being of everyone within the workplace. We at Amaya Dental Clinic also believe in EVIDENCE-BASED PROSTHODONTICS AND PRACTICE.

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